Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Heee-eeere!

The last few posts have been a little heavy/serious.  I decided it's time to lighten things up a little and show what I've been doing this evening.  First let me explain what I had to go through to get things done.  I might lose you here, but knowing that both you readers are moms, I think you'll follow along just fine. 
I spoke with my therapist yesterday and came to the conclusion that my overwhelming feeling of limbo might be lessened with a little holiday cheer.  And by holiday I mean of course the king of all holidays.  The holiday that wimpy Valentine's Day and Arbor Day (pshaw) don't dare make eye contact with.  I'm speaking of CHRISTMAS. 
When I moved into my apartment, I left behind tubs of Christmas decorations and ornaments.  I decided it was time to bring them home.  C agreed to lug them down from the attic and bring them to me at work when he dropped off Savannah.  I was giddy to say the least.  And then I realized I would have to somehow get them from my car to the apartment.  Let me just explain why that is an issue. 
I love my apartment.  I love the cozy feeling I get from hearing the other families living their lives in the walls around me.  I love the extra high ceilings and the fantastic view.  Unfortunately there is one drawback.  My assigned parking spot is in front of the next building over.  Not a big deal you say?  You could use the exercise you mutter under your breath?  I would be inclined to agree IF I were never required to bring anything other than myself and my purse in from the car.  That, of course, is not the case.  I have a 15 month old ( who has a tendency to want to head for the hills-which is NOT where our apartment is), a diaper bag, a purse, a large water jug, and a bag containing all my financial information (don't ask)  that I routinely must carry from home to car and back again.  That doesn't include groceries, sippy cups, abandoned shoes, or the infant carrier Savannah was still using up until today. Are you feeling my pain here?  Seriously, I don't mean pain metaphorically.  I have bruises on my arms and legs from struggling under the weight of it all.  I think you are probably starting to get the picture. 
The problem I face whenever I have extra cargo to unload is What do I do with the baby?  Do I throw her in the crib and let her scream?  Do I carry her back and forth and increase the number of trips?  Do I leave her to wander and hope she doesn't make it out the door before I come back?  A girl could drive herself a little nuts thinking about it. 
Back to today.  After work I went outside to see C with a smug look on his face.  I didn't recognize it as smug at the time, but looking back I am almost certain that's what it was.  I drive a Honda Civic.  A 2 door Honda Civic.  Bought it when I was 19. Never even crossed my mind that I would one day curse the person who took away my other 2 doors.  A 2 door car is NOT a good option for a person with a baby.  Let this be a cautionary tale to you.  And all you goody two shoes minivan drivers with your dual sliding doors.  May you never know my pain.  As I got closer to the car I could see it was stuffed to the gills with tupperware bins of Christmas decorations.  In the passenger seat, in the rear seat, in the trunk.  There was just a tiny little cubby for Savannah to squeeze in in her car seat.
I'm just going to cut this short by saying I successfully got everything in.  Even the crock pot.  You may call me Wonder Woman.  I won't blush.  It involved some barricading, a lot of tears, some not so nice words mumbled by yours truly and a little illegal parking.  BUT it was so worth it.
Now, it is my pleasure to bring you.....Christmas.
Mr and Mrs Claus wish  you a Merry Christmas.  No, seriously, they sing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" and shake their cute little booties. The star on the tree even lights up and blinks.  Adorable.

Our cozy little town is tucked in for the night.  I wonder what the villagers are up to?

Sheriff Tom is finishing up some paperwork before heading home to Nancy and the kids.

All the puppies and kittens are dreaming of new homes, warm bowls of milk, and lots of cuddles to come.

Gordon is tidied up and ready for another day of business.  I absolutely LOVE the little hanging fish and scale.

Granny has been baking up a storm and the smells of melting chocolate, and freshly baked muffins still waft in the cooling night air.
Ahhh....Did I mention I just loooove Christmas? 

And of course this scene wouldn't be complete without the "reason for the season"...

Mary is feeling much better now that the labor is over.  No hot water, no clean towels, and straw in areas straw should never be.  But the baby is here and all else fades to the background.  The heat from the animals and the sweet scent of the cows chewing their cud wafts over her in warm waves and she feels her tensions drain as she focuses on the joy brought by the small baby boy before her.  The frankincense and myrrh are nice but the gold is getting them a plush suite at the nearest hotel complete with minibar! And maybe a little deep tissue massage to top things off.*

*The views expressed in this post are speculative and should not be interpreted as fact.

The Christmas Star shines over them all.

It's here!!!

And I will leave you with these scenes from Daniel's kick a** 23rd birthday party...

For those of you who know them, I'm sure you are well aware that Savannah's presence really IS her present.  It's a birthday miracle.

Zachary showing off a butterfly painstakingly hand crafted for him by his talented aunt. Which he promptly crumpled up into a turd-like ball and accused me of ruining.  (Yes.  We are still on the party pictures)

Daniel meditating on this, his 23rd year of life.  Ermm yes... that's what he's doing...meditating...
And my! What a lovely shirt he is sporting!  Someone must have loved him very much to give him a shirt such as that.


  1. I'm in love. You are an amazing blogger, Liz! I didn't even realize until today that there were more posts; I started at the Ramblings of a Crazy Woman. I just read the rest and you have a great gift for writing.

    I want to shout it from the rooftops. Can I send people your way from my blog? Like, I'd do a little intro for you and then post your blog link.

    Not sure if you want it all public or not. Just let me know. =)

  2. Hee hee hee roflmao!! (did I get that right?!!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blog!. I have the same question as RA. Do you want me giving out the website? Like to your talented brother?
    And the picture of Savannah and Air Mike is truly a miracle! :)Has the trauma been forgotten?

  3. And NO it's not Melissa, I just didn't want to log out of here, log off her gmail account. Log BACK in with my name, etc etc you get the picture. I'm winded just trying to tell you :)

  4. I was SO confused for a moment on why Melissa was sounding so grown up. I am so glad you clarified that. Yes, feel free to spread the news of my blog far and wide. Preferably not to anyone who would conceivably take offense.

  5. Yes, Liz, I'd say you do have a flair for writing. I hope you've broken out some good Christmas music to go along with all the decorations.

    After reading your blogs, I thought of the chorus of song #121:
    "Jesus Christ can bring deliverance
    and make you free and whole,
    Faith and confidence create within you,
    Give Him full control."

    Dave Engle
