Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just a quick thought

I am posting this quickly while Alex is in the tub.  We just got back from Michelle's house which was a smash success!  Both of the girls had a blast and got along well with Michelle's kids.  Alex was a little shy at first, but Michelle's oldest girl, Claire got her to open right up with some coloring.  After that she bounced from kid to kid.  Playing with light sabers, swinging on the awesome swing INDOORS (that totally blew Alex's mind), playing air hockey.  As we left she announced it was her new favorite place.  Savannah fit right in too.  She followed the kids around and snuggled up with Claire and didn't want to leave. 
I am thrilled to have a healthy environment for them to play.  A house where there is peace (not without chaos though), security, and love.  I am so excited to surround them with these good examples more and more. 
And we are planning on going back the Thursday after next.  I'm not sure which of us is excited more:)
Being there really highlighted even more the dysfunction that was my life before leaving Chris.  Our house wasn't peaceful.  There wasn't a whole lot of stability for the girls.  I am so thankful things have changed.  At that the majority of their childhood will be in  a more positive environment. 
I have been thinking more and more about the church where I grew up.  I stopped going there because it felt like so much emphasis was on fund-raising, and there were long gaps in between actual services.  I felt like an outsider when I moved back after leaving the military.  But in these hard times I'm going through, it's the relationships with my friends that go to that church that have been the most supportive.  Those are the families I want my girls to be around.  I have always wanted to go where God wants me to be, and it feels like he is drawing me back to that church. 
I like the church I am going to now, but I don't have the lifelong relationships there that I have at the other one.  So unless I am extending myself and working to forge new friendships, I don't get a lot of social interaction.  And with everything else that's going on, sometimes it's just too much work.
I am determined to keep an open mind and hope that God will speak clearly.  And I will humble myself and go where he leads.
I had a fabulous day all in all. The doctor ended up removing one mole to send away for a biopsy.  The rest he said looked fine. 
My talk with the Duke was pretty easy flowing and relaxed and I got help from it.  I was able to talk about my fears of Chris doing something violent and at the same time realize that he seems to be doing better the past week.  Just saying it out loud seemed to make me realize that I don't need to live in fear.  And the Duke pointed out that unlike a lot of the other domestic violence cases, Chris doesn't seem to see me as an evil b+&*h or as an enemy.  He loves Savannah and is attached to her.  He knows I love him still and want him to be happy and healthy.  I feel much better.
I don't have time to go back and make sure this all flows well because I have a girl in the tub calling for me to come wash her hair.  Hopefully it all makes sense.
Hurray for spring being on its way!!!

1 comment:

  1. So good for me to read your posts. It helps me catch up on the stuff that doesn't always get talked about when we're together ;)
