Monday, February 7, 2011

God's Ways

God works in mysterious ways.  It's a common saying, but when you see things fall into place in real  life it takes on a whole new meaning.  It has been so fascinating to see the way God has worked in my life.  Looking back it is clear how each thing that has happened to me on my way has been for a reason and led to better things.
In my last post, I talked about the church I thought God was leading me back to.  I didn't know for sure what his plan for me was, but I wanted to go wherever he wanted me to be.  It seemed like doors were opening and old friendships were being rekindled, places that were closed in my heart were softening, and things were changing.  There was just one area that felt "off" to me.  But I was determined to not let that one thing keep me from doing God's will.  I can't get into specifics, but I was shocked and amazed to find out that one area was taken care of. 
God softened my heart at the exact time he took care of the thing that was holding me back.  Something that didn't directly relate to me at all, but that was a stumbling block for me. 
I have prayed that God would make it obvious when it came to my life decisions, and he has delivered! 
I hope this isn't too cryptic.
Along the same lines, more and more possibilities are opening up for me to build a strong support group around me.  God knows I need fellowship and camaraderie.  The whole experience with my marriage falling apart has made me rely on him and at the same time shown me that I can trust him to take care of me.  So much anxiety has been eliminated as I realize the things I was anxious about before, don't matter anymore.  I was feeling judged by people and feeling like an outcast and unworthy.  But the only thing that has true worth is God's judgement.  He knows my heart and that enables me to move forward with confidence.  It has given me freedom to be myself.  To embrace the personality he gave me.  I am an individual.  I have noticed that the friends whose company I most enjoy are those who are true to their individuality.  Things are more interesting, more comfortable, and more uplifting when people are true to themselves instead of trying to squeeze into an imagined mold.
My goal now is to continue to keep the lines of communication open with God so that my humanness doesn't come in and muddy things up.  He is faithful to shine light when I need it so my heart can continue to be purified.
Hopefully this isn't too "preachy" of a post.  Actually, even if it is, that's ok because it's MY blog.  I have to keep reminding myself of that.:)

(Change of subject)
I sent an email to Alex's teacher (Mrs. R) today.  I have never met her but I found her email on the school website.  I BRIEFLY explained the situation.  I didn't give specifics, just said that C and I had split up in October and asked if it seemed like Alex was doing ok.  I asked if she had any ideas for making things easier for her and told her some times we could set up if she wanted to get together to talk.  She replied that she would see what the school counselor thought was best.  I hadn't even realized there WAS a school counselor in elementary!  I am actually REALLY glad I wrote now.  I have wanted to get Alex into a counselor and have been told by C and my Alex's other mom that she would be added onto her other mom's medical benefits and would be able to see a counselor.  That was FIVE months ago and nothing has been done.  I am really glad that she has the option of a counselor at school to talk to.  I am definitely going to look into it more once I hear back from her teacher.  I really tried to stress that I wasn't writing to trash talk C or to pull Mrs. R into the middle, I just wanted her to know what Alex has been going through at home so she could alert me to any changes she saw in her behaviour.
Now I am going to start putting pressure on her parents to get her some medical coverage.  You know, things responsible adults do.  Poor Alex. 
I am happy to report that my relationship with Alex is better than ever.  We are at a super good place where we can enjoy each other and benefit from each other's company.  I feel like I am able to give her the love and support she needs and at the same time enjoy her when she comes over because she is turning into a really fun person to be around.  I thank God for softening my heart to her so that it is becoming more of a mother's heart every day. 
It is now time for me to go to bed.  Thanks for your continued interest in my life!

(Change of Subject)
She is going to look like a different child when her hair comes in!

But my baby ROCKS her mullet! (Yeah, Lilly's TOTALLY jealous;)

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