Sunday, February 13, 2011

As the winter is slowly inching its way into spring, I am feeling the need to dust off my own habits and do a little spring cleaning.  I'm not talking about resolutions.  I am already actively doing weight maintenance and will probably do another HCG round in March. 
What I'm talking about is cobwebs of the BRAIN.  My days are the same.  Day in and day out.  I get up, take Savannah to Ruth Anne's, go to work, eat dinner at Ruth Anne's, come home, put Savannah in bed, put my self in bed...repeat, repeat, repeat. 
Lately the only creative muscle I have been flexing is in trying out new recipes.  (And YES I HAVE been doing some of the ACTUAL baking.  Thank you for asking.)  While this is lots of fun, it is more of a fall/winter hobby.  When it's easier to camouflage or at least cover up the rolls it adds to my waistline. 
But lately I have needed something more.  I need a new project.  Something easy, but new to me.  Something that will spark up my rusty brain and get it firing again. 
In the past when I have felt this itch, I have turned to knitting and crocheting.  I think I will break out my needles again, but I also want to try something completely new.
I was thinking along the lines of some challenge where I had to do SOMEthing new every day for a month. 
My first instinct is almost ALWAYS to turn to Google.  Here are some things it turned up...

1. Take a photo a day for a year and post it on my site. (I am seriously considering this one.  I think it would be a lot of fun) I want to at least do a solid month of this and then see how it's going.

2.30 Ornaments in 30 days. It would be kind of fun to have a lot of cute homemade ornaments on the tree next year...
3.I could make a craft for each person in my family.  This could include baking, beading, painting...anything tailored to that person's interests and likes.
What mother wouldn't want to get this from her 30 year old daughter??
4. I could do a cross-stitch.  Haven't done one of those in YEARS.
But then I'd have to find someone to unload it on.

5. I could start with each room in the house and do a makeover.  That would be super beneficial, but might get spendy.  Plus it might end up more work than fun.
Um...yeah.  Maybe not THAT kind of a makeover.

6. I could buy a blank canvas and try my hand at making some art for the wall.
That's cute.  And doesn't look TOO hard to do.

I am not completely sold on any of these ideas.  I want something that makes me perk up and think THAT'S IT!
I would much appreciate any ideas you could send my way for a fun, new project for me to try.
Let me know what you do to keep your days interesting.  I know kids and work take up a lot of time, but I want to try to focus on living in the moment and enjoying my days.  It seems so easy to speed through the days, just trying to get them over with.  Not the way I want to live life.  I think slowing down and forcing myself to try something new will be a good way to enjoy the moment I am in.  And get some skillz along the way.;)


  1. You could sew, and you can use my machine. You'll just have to do some projects for me as payment. :-P

    You could start a little herb/flower garden on your back porch.

    You could learn a new game each month, and then have a girls night to teach all the rest of us.

    You could make candles. You know who to unload THOSE on!

    Go to the craft store and wander around for inspiration. =)

  2. hmmm let me see? What mom wouldn't want a macaroni purse from her 30 yr old daughter???? HMMM!! Ahem!
    I like the idea of the herb garden. They grow quickly, you can use them in new recipes. Might be too cold on the porch yet though. But you would get a sensory lift when you smell the different leaves and your tastebuds would zing when you cooked with them. Hmm maybe I should do that! :) Let me know what you decide.
