Thursday, June 2, 2011

H is for...

Heckuva long time since I posted.  Sorry!  I think I might have the internet situation somewhat under control.  For now.
Unfortunately I don't have anything particularly witty to write about.  I am actually just excited to be in bed by 8:30 and know tomorrow is Friday.  I had a really good day off today and got to hang out with my sisters and some friends while the kiddos all ran wild in an indoor playground.  Definitely something I want to do again. 
Also, today my dear sweet Savannah wore pigtails all day.  For the first time. I am pleased to announce we may have found the answer to the mullet she has been rocking since she was a little over a year old.
This is the normal, everyday, God-given hairstyle:

Compliments of photographer Marianne.  Cute girl.  Not so cute hairdo.

And this is what she looked like today with her miniature piggytails:

You might have to look really close to see them, but they are there.  Two tiny pigtails, sticking straight out from the back of her head.  Proof that she is a girl.  Sorry I don't have a better quality camera was dropped on it's head and I haven't found out whether it can be revived yet.  So it's cell phone pics for now.
I hope to once again be more consistent in posting.  I MAY have some new news on my living situation in the next few days.  Prayers are appreciated.
Ta ta!

1 comment:

  1. Liz,
    How fun to hear from ya and see ya all in one day! ;)
    Have a great night and good day tomorrow! ;)
