Friday, June 10, 2011

J is for...

Just had a birthday!  (I know that is a lame use of the letter J, but I'm on lunch and it was the best I could do on short notice.)  
Let me start off by saying how thankful I am for my sisters, Ruth Anne and Sarah.  They have been my biggest support lately.  Things at work have been pretty stressful lately with 4 layoffs and being told that the new "normal" is to be understaffed and to get used to it.  People at work seem to be turning on each other as everyone feels THEY are the ones having to pick up the slack and for some reason are convinced other people in the clinic are sitting around all day.  Which isn't true.  I work in several sections and it is safe to say that each section has it's easy and hard days.  But unfortunately the drama continues as everyone is trying to "stand up for themselves". ugh.  I hate confrontation.  Anyways, I have been coming home from work in not the most peaceful of spirits.  And added to that the everyday stresses of figuring out my finances post divorce and bankruptcy, trying to be a good mom to Savannah and Alex (who I feel like I am seeing less and less of), and I have been ending up a frazzled mess.  And my sisters are right there to lift me up and encourage me.  They can see when I am close to breaking and step in.  I am so thankful for that.  
I feel like it has made Savannah's life so much better to have her Aunties and cousins around and to be surrounded by so much love and life.  Where I am lacking, others fill in.
I guess I should write SOMEthing about my birthday since it was where I started this post...
I am another year older and although I am not in a place I thought I would be in life at this age, I am in a good place.  My life is good.  My family is good. Things are starting to settle down after all the changes of last year.  
My sister had a lovely family dinner for my birthday and even went so far as to make super cute decorations.  My mom made a DIVINE lemon cheesecake which is now at the top of my list of favorite desserts.  It was a good day followed by an even better day of hanging out with my sisters, soaking up the sun while the kids played in the water and on the trampoline.  THAT was exactly what I needed to help recharge my batteries.  I am evidently solar powered?
Tonight I am picking up some pictures I had taken a couple weeks ago of me and my girls.  I will hopefully be posting some of those tonight!
Happy happy Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you had posted!

    You definitely need to post those pictures. And we will make more poofballs together. We just need to buy more tissue paper.

    Also, I'm so glad I'm here for you. As in, physically in the same town. You are welcome here anytime, of course. And I am enjoying having Savannah so much. She is turning into such a beautiful girl!

    Love the you!
