Tuesday, March 1, 2011

B is for Birthday

Today's post is brought to you by the letter B.

It also happens to be the Birthday of the sister right below me in age.  She turned 25.  I am just a ti(6yrs)ny bit older than her.
So Happy Birthday to Heather!
The family all met at my mom's house for a spaghetti dinner followed by cheesecake and chocolate pie. YUM.  It was all so good.
I spent all day crafting a card for her because this year the family went in on a gift for her, so I didn't have anything for her to unwrap.  The sad thing is I took a picture of the finished product on my phone and it's not in there now:(  So you will have to let your imaginations run wild as to what it looked like.  Just rest assured it was fabulous.  Think colors, twirly yarn, pom-poms...the works.
This is Heather.  She is 25.  Today.

Heather has not had an easy life.  She has had lots of struggles, but has been sober for over a year now.  Kicking an addiction can be HARD.  I know this because of my addiction to fattening foods.  But that's another story.
She is working so hard to get her life together that what she wanted the most for her birthday was the Quicken Business computer program.  She is starting up a cleaning company and is making sure to do things by the book.  She is a lot more organized than I am.

This is Heather's daughter, Melanie. She is not normally this messy, but you see we had spaghetti for dinner tonight.  Melanie took it one step further and used it as a facial scrub and hair mask.  You have to admit she looks VERY youthful! Perhaps she's on to something??   Melanie will have her first Birthday in April.  She and Savannah are going to be good friends once she learns to defend herself a little better.
 This is Heather blowing out her candles.  My other sister Sarah is holding the cake.  Sarah's Birthday is this month on the 20th.  As you can probably tell from the photo, she has a long history of working as a professional cake holder.  She is the number one requested cake holder in the tri-state area.  Look at the awe on the faces of those gathered around her.  It was a spectacular cake pose.  (Ok, that might not be EXACTLY accurate, but she DID work at Red Robin for several years!)

This is a closer picture of Heather.  And that aDORable girl she's holding is my sweet Savannah.  You know I had to get in at least one picture of her!

I am not apologizing for the stilted flow in this post.  I am having a sleepover at Ruth Anne's house tonight (so as to have more time for sitting and drinking coffee before work tomorrow) and it's harder for me to concentrate when it's not my computer.  That was not an apology.

I will end this post in a toast to Heather Lynn...

May you find happiness, peace, and success in this, your 25th year!  Salud!

And they all said "Amen"


  1. A perfect description of the evening!!!
    And the last pic says it all (including the Amen!!)

  2. ha HA, funny funny :-D

    Praise you Jesus, Thank You Lord, Amen.

  3. Hey,
    I am REALLY enjoying your latest posts :) FUN! Hope you are well. Jen
