Wednesday, March 2, 2011

C is for Cash

C actually stand for check, but cash sounds so much cooler.  Doesn't it?
Today I said a sweet farewell to my tax refund and off she went.

 This is very similar to the check I sent off.  Except instead of winning the Iditarod Race, I declared bankruptcy.  And instead of it being TO me, it was FROM me.  And there were a few more zeros on the end of my check.  At least it felt like it.

My check was SO BIG in fact, that this group of elderly seniors (is that redundant?) saw me struggling to lug it to the mailbox and kindly offered their assistance.  Thanks Fred, William, Edith, Rose, Jan, and those of you too cool to remove your shades for the picture, even though I asked very nicely and used the secret password (please).  Oh yeah, and that's Martha standing center stage, hogging the spotlight.  Her portly stature came in handy with the heavy lifting though!

The funny thing is, that check was SO heavy, that once it was in the mailbox, it wasn't weighing ME down anymore.  Now lest you think I was GLAD to be rid of such a large sum of moola, I would like to inform you that I sent along a letter with it.  Something to the effects of this...

Dear Bankruptcy Man,
Here is your (please give it back) money.  I hope if finds (please give it back) you in good health.
You have very nice (pretty please) handwriting.  I realize your letter was (give it back) typed, but you DID take the time (I won't tell) to sign it personally and that looked nice.
I know you are a busy man (but I am a poor woman) so I won't take any more of your time.
I kept the Earned Income Credit because my lawyer said I could.  It was $71.00. (But I will trade you for the check if you want).
Respectfully yours,
Elizabeth (broke single mom) Smith

And then I put 2 stamps on it, because I think that will make it get to him even FASTer. 
It totally wasn't a big deal.  I mean, I was just like, Oh! That's right, I gotta send the check.  So I wrote it out real quick and that was that.  Barely even noticed the dent (Grand Canyon) in my checking account.
Also, don't tell anyone, but I just spelled it Grand Canion.  I don't know why.  Sounds like a new seasoning or something. (I am SO getting a copyright on that.)

Sooo...that was pretty much my day.  Just workin' and hangin' out and payin' the bills.  No biggie.  None at all.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! Liz! That was a super funny post!! HUZZAH! Bravo!! I seriously loved it. You made the whole situation hilarious. I particularly loved Martha. ;-)
